Where have I been?

Published on Monday, August 14 2017 • less than a minute read

Hi there! So, where have I been and what am I up to? It has been relatively hectic and basically I have been studying, and preparing for exams and studying and preparing for more exams... Alright, so, I am in my final year of Engineering and placements have begun. I am basically back to square one with basic (yet the most important) concepts of programming, studying Data Structures and Algorithms. But I have also started working on something else. It feels so awesome to finally complete a project and realize that you actually did it. So, in my sixth semester, we had Database Management Systems Lab and we were supposed to create a project as part of our syllabus and demonstrate it in our final exam. So I came up with this:


As we all share belongings to our friends, it sometimes gets difficult to keep track of what went where. So I created this as a reminder based application to list belongings lent to or borrowed from friends. As this was personal, it was a pleasure working on it. To create a good project though, it seemed evident that I had to make some decisions, what sort of framework I would use, who this application really is for, etcetera. I started going to meetups for Xamarin organized by the XHackers meetup group. They are a bunch of really experienced professionals and they had excellent meetups explaining concepts ranging from Xamarin to Azure. And it only seemed right to really try Xamarin as my frontend technology for this project. I stood by that decision and complete my project (I did remove some features due to complexities but tried my best). I would love to add it to the Android and Windows Store, in the near future. Also, I started a YouTube channel. I figured YouTube is an excellent platform to showcase one's interests and skill. Do check out my channel

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