Published on Friday, December 13 2019 • less than a minute read
Not sure if you know this, but the whole point of this blog was for me to jot down things so that both others and myself, can be benefited from the findings. When I started writing, I wasn't that confident about creating my own website and for that reason chose an off the shelf solution, blogger. Even though it didn't let me style things my own way, I was happy enough with the features I got for free. With Wordpress growing in popularity, I too, decided that "you gotta move with the times". And it was pretty simple because both exposed import/export features so moving was a breeze. But now I realise to truly showcase what I've been working on and express my personality, I should do something custom, something that screams "me". So I've decided to create my very own blog and host it somewhere. I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but I can only try. Thinking of starting with something as simple as Github pages for starters and then move from there. Since this url will someday become orphaned, you might want to add me on Instagram @mrsauravsahu where I'll post my most recent blog link. Early wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. ♥️