Adonis V5: Writing your first custom provider!

Published on Monday, July 13 2020 ā€¢ 4 minutes read

From the past couple of days, I've been working with Adonis V5. In fact, this site's API is being written with Adonis V5. It's a really cool and feature-packed Framework for node.

Well, if you're reading this, there's a high likelyhood that you're pretty familiar with Adonis. Let's look at how to create a custom provider in Adonis V5. Throughout this post, I'll use this blogs API as an example, all the code for which is available here: on Github.

So, for storing the actual blog files into a storage service, I'm using the temporary app directory. There's a POST /blog-posts API that takes a markdown file and writes it to the tmp directory, the basic implementation of which is here:

public async upload({ request }: HttpContextContract) {
    const file = request.file('file');

    // generate a unique id for the file name
    const fileId = uuid();
    const filePath = `uploads/blog-posts/${fileId}.md`;

    // save to tmp directory
    await file?.move(Application.tmpPath(), { name:filePath })

    const blogPostToAdd: Partial<BlogPost> = {
        file: filePath,
        extension: 'md'

    // add to db
    const addedBlogPost = await BlogPost.create(blogPostToAdd)

    return {
        data: addedBlogPost

As I'm writing this, just realised the above move operation should ideally be done by the TmpFileProvider šŸ¤” (maybe I should refactor that later) well, back to the actual provider. Right, so in the download API - GET /blog-posts/:id/file we need to get the buffer back from the File System.

Steps to create a custom provider in Adonis V5

  1. Create your actual implementation, keeping one thing in mind - āŒ no external dependencies. So, for our example, it's as simple as the code below. (Follow TDD, I didn't this time, but don't tell anybody šŸ¤«)
import { FileServiceConfig } from "Contracts/service.file-service";
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import { join } from 'path';

export class FileService {
  private config: FileServiceConfig;

  constructor(config: FileServiceConfig) {
    this.config = config;

  async getBufferAsync(filePath: string): Promise<Buffer> {
    const fullFilePath = join(this.config.basePath, filePath);
    const buffer = await promisify(fs.readFile)(fullFilePath);
    return buffer;
  1. Create your provider Use the ace command node ace make:provider TmpFileProvider to create your provider. It should add the actual file and an entry in the providers section of the .adonisrc.json file.
  2. Setup your implementation in the register section of the provider. My service looks like it can be a singleton, so decided based on your needs. The provider now looks like this:
export default class TmpFileProvider {
  constructor (protected container: IocContract) {

  public register () {
    // You should be getting the config from the config file
    // but for this, let's keep this simple
    this.container.singleton('providers/TmpFileProvider', () => {
      const config: FileServiceConfig = { basePath: Application.tmpPath() }
      return new FileService(config);

  public async boot () {
    // All bindings are ready, feel free to use them

  public async ready () {
    // App is ready

  public async shutdown () {
    // Cleanup, since app is going down
  1. Now when you use it in your controller, like so:
public async download({ params, response }: HttpContextContract) {
    // TODO: Clean this lel
    const blogPostId: number =;
    const blogPost = await BlogPost.find(blogPostId);
    // TODO: Use request validation for this
    if (!blogPost) throw new Error('cannot find file');
    const file = await TmpFileProvider.getBufferAsync(blogPost.file);

  1. Now when you start your server (or more likely try and hit the API multiple times thinking why it's not working) you'll get this error:
app/Controllers/Http/BlogPostsController.ts:5:29 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@ioc:providers/TmpFileProvider' or its corresponding type declarations.

import TmpFileProvider from '@ioc:providers/TmpFileProvider';

ā„¹  info      re-starting http server

We need to add a type declaration telling TypeScript what that provider is returning, which is as simple as this:

declare module '@ioc:providers/TmpFileProvider' {
  import { FileService } from "App/Services/FileService";

  const TmpFileProvider: FileService
  export default TmpFileProvider

You're good to go!!! ā¤ļø

I'm having a lot of fun learning Adonis V5. If you love it too, let's connect on Twitter, or let's do it regardless. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

@mrsauravsahu on Twitter